Monday, December 25, 2006

SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box *Uncensored *

This is THE funniest thing Saturday Night Live has produced in years.


Well Happy Holidays and all that Jazz. My first xmas in Alaska. Today was a lovely day. Sunny, light wind, around 30 degrees. Perfect day for rowing, so that is what I did. First time by myself since I have been here. Had quite a bit of mail waiting for me. The rowing part isn't difficult, but my back will be feeling it tomorrow. The difficulty is pulling the boat back up on the beach and turning it over. My arms are pretty much wrecked by the time I get back. I tied it up and let the tide bring it on up. Was finally able to pull it all the way up and flip it over. Whew.

The eagles were out and soaring overhead and a large sea otter followed me for a while. Never saw the harbor seal.

Rowing was fun. Nice and peaceful. Only one close call with a

I was going to post some pics I took but the upload program on blogger isn't working today. I will get those on later.

Went out yesterday to fill the bird feeder and one of the nuthatches had managed to get itself in the birdfeeder. He really wanted that last seed...He got out okay after I turned it upside down.

The kingfishers are back or at least one of them is. They shouldn't be here this time of year but have seen one the last two days, including today.

If you haven't looked already, there are two new slide shows posted.

Haven't read too much news burned out, but never fear my witty commentary and rapier like wit will return soon.

But here are some "things" to ponder all heard on TV this past week:

A study in England on women's weight has concluded that women will be more likely to seek help if the labels in Size 12 and up clothing included an 800 number to an obesity hotline. US manufacturer's are thinking about doing the same thing.

Now people, since when is size 12 obese? or Overweight? All of the women shown in the news clip were no where near size 12. They were all closer to 18, 20 and 24. And which size 12? Petite, misses, Juniors, women's? for you guys out there, women's clothing sizes are a nightmare. I have worn size 12's and I most certainly wasn't obese, nor close to it. Size 12 is the most common size in America. Not zero, 1, or 2 as most media would have you believe. And it isn't obese.

And on the same topic, sort of, have you SEEN the commercial for nutrisystem? Some chick waxing eloquant on all of the weight she has lost stuffing her face with chocolate - Claims to be a size two. If she is a size two, I am the queen mother.

Medical Commercials

I have a real issue with the commericals for Valtrax (genital herpes). They show these pictures of beautiful people who want to have sex. the tag line for Valtrex is Want to reduce the risk of spreading Genital Herpes? Well guess what, DON'T HAVE SEX!!!!!. They have the actors saying they didn't know it could be spread when an outbreak wasn't evident. This isn't new information but the way it is packaged on these commercials will lead people to think it is okay to take Valtrex and have sex.

And how about the one for Rhumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Enbral? An actor says " I didn't know RA could cause joint damage" WHAT? What does she think RA does? Stupid commercial.

Funny heard on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show this week: Presidents news conference held in Indian Treaty Room and you know we can trust what is said in the indian treaty room.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Just a quickie today. It snowed for about 5 days and as of the 18th there is 13 inches of snow. The 18th was a gorgous wind and snow free day with sun. Spent a good amt of time snow blowing the deck area around the main lodge house and blowing off the floating deck.

I am working on a new slide show which I will post either tonight or tomorrow so please see those pics.

Was woken up bright and early this morning (not so bright as the sun wasn't up yet) by a wrong number (someone telling me my ups package would be delivered by 9:45...thanks Sandra) and then Jeremiah IMing me over and over right after the phone stopped ringing. Since my oldest daughter has been sick and was in the hospital, I thought maybe it was my ex husband or her husband calling with news. So I decided to just stay up. My daughter is fine btw way. Just some pregnancy related thing.

Saw the mama sea otter with her baby out of the water and on the dock. and then the bottom fell out. Winds were whipping through here most of the day. I estimated them at least 20 mph and the snow fall was extremely heavy. Lost power in the middle of it, so had fun hooking generators up. Very glad I got the deck and path cleared of snow yesterday.

Electricity was only out about an hour. Not bad.

Spike actually went out twice during the high winds. Cat is turning in to a true wilderness snow kitty. I have pics of him going through the 13 inch snow yesterday. They will be on the new slide show.

Went back out around a quarter to 4 to put everything up and do the evening rounds. Figured another 3 to 4 inches fell today. I walked out into an uncleared portion of the main deck and sank into snow up to my knees. That is 19 inches of snow.

According to the weather advisory, we can expect 4 - 8 inches tonight and tomorrow. I can feel another turn with the snow blower coming on.

Well way more tomorrow. I have pics, some news news, comments on some really stupid advertising etc. So stay tuned.

Like my snowflakes?

Friday, December 15, 2006


What a beautiful day today. Bright and sunny, about 20 degrees, no wind. Over all we got about 6 inches of snow and more is in the forecast starting tomorrow. Spent the day doing outside chores, pumping diesel, feeding the ducks and birds, shoveling some snow, burning trash.

The sharp shinned hawk was at the feeder this morning. I found feathers on the railing so he must have nailed one of the nuthatches. I saw him going after a Stellar's Jay which is way too big for him. He must be pretty hungry.

I dumped the organics behind the boat house yesterday afternoon and the gulls and crows were having a feast today. When I feed the ducks today, the only place to throw food had ice on it. It was pretty funny watching them slip and slide on the ice. Finally they got smart and flew over instead of trying to walk over.

Saw river otter tracks under the main deck and on the dock.

Looked like they were having party judging by the condition of the snow on the dock.

The coyote has been pretty active. His tracks were all over the beach in the snow. Haven't seen him in the flesh yet. Yesterday the two great blue herons that winter here flew overhead. They sound like something being strangled.

This frozen jelly fish was on the beach today.

And this sunflower star was hanging on the dock. He, she, it (not sure) has been down there a lot. Kind of a crappy pic but I had to lean over the edge of the deck at an angle to get it.

Spike has been having his usual conference with the birds and squirrels today. I see his tracks everywhere and saw him under the lodge house when I was outside. It has been to cold the last few days to leave the window open so I just crack open the outer door so he can get in the mud room. When I hear him bitching, I get up and let him in. He has been outside all day today. At least I don't have to clean the litter box as

Well the headlines are pretty much the same today. More of the same BS. So today's news is gonna be the odd stuff.

From the BBC

They are gonna do WHAT?

EU hardens tone on enlargement - sounds like an advert for viagra

From the "And if you believe this, I have a bridge to sell' files

Tenor blames 'low blood sugar' - for those of you that follow opera, and who doesn't, The lead tenor walked out of a performance of Aida at La Scala, citing a crappy audience after being booed. Turns out he didn't eat a snickers before the performance - Ah, the drama!!

From the "people just don't have a sense of humor anymore" files

AOL News

Nazi Gingerbread Men Moved to New Town - sugar and spice and everything nice apparently doesn't apply here -

From the "What the hell?" files:

AOL News

Man Runs Over Deer With 7 Legs - A generic freak but the venison was finger licking good and tenderized by the car - You HAVE to check out the pics especially number three and read the caption - can we say Deliverence? I think the real generic freak was the guy who hit the deer.

From the " Have You SEEN the show folks?" files:

Multiple news outlets

The Golden Globe nominees were announced yesterday. How in the world did Heros get a best drama nomination? Did the nominating committee actually watch the show? It is the worst thing on TV this season and there is a lot of really bad TV. The plot sucks, the dialogue sucks, that chick with the split personality really sucks and who cares about that stupid cheerleader.

I also don't think much of either Lost or Grey's Anatomy. One has just devolved into complete ridiculousness and the other is a prime time advertisement for indescriminate sex and adultery. Bring back the original cast of ER for christ's sake. But hey, I know how to change the channel.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Snowing hard today. Got about 3 inches last night and it hasn't stopped. Wind has picked up. but none of that has deterred Spike from going outside. Had a 'new' bird at the feeder today..a stray sparrow which should be long gone. Only saw him for a few seconds so have no idea what type of sparrow it was. Hard to tell in the winter anyway. refilled the bird feeder today. The jays were rather subdued for some reason. One was croaking instead of screeching like he was getting a little birdie

Spent the day baking, 2 loaves of bread and a lemon pound cake. Made one loaf of Parmesan and one loaf of garlic (baked with chunks of garlic in the dough).

Not much to do today. Been working on origami and will post some pics of my masterpieces soon..

Just to keep up with things I am going to start listing the news headlines of the day - check them out at your leisure or just read my comments:

From the BBC:
Bush delays fresh Iraq strategy - what a moron
China ends school fees for 150m - that isn't dollars folks, that is millions of children - There is another good story on the secret trials going on in China along with executions of dissidents. And we want to trade with them.
Italian man sparks euthanasia row - gotta love those Catholics ..suffer.suffer.suffer

And now to Africa:

The Kalahari Bushman had a great day. They were illegally removed from their lands and placed in settlement camps and today they won their lawsuit
Rwandan priest guilty of genocide - not such a good day for another Catholic.
Kenyan "miracle baby" paster held - Need a baby? Call you friendly local evangelist

Let's not leave out the middle east:

Hamas Judge killed in the Gaza Strip - in retaliation for the killing of three children - I can guarantee this was orchestrated by Israel to prevent any hope for a real peace accord. If they can get Fatah and Hamas to turn on each other, Israel can discontinue their extermination efforts on the Palestinians. Their own personal reverse Holocaust if you will.
Iran: Israel will end like USSR - Read here how Iran hosted a conference to disprove the Holocaust ( in which, in case you forgot, 12 MILLION people were murdered, not just 6 million jews. Hard to have a political action committee when your entire ethnic group was wiped out)

Oh and of most importance Lindey Lohen hasn't had a drink in a week. who fucking cares? but it was an AOL and Bellsouth news headline. Oh wait, Nicole Richie had a DUI. You would think with all of the calories booze has, she would have some fat on those bones. Maybe the nose candy cancels that out.

Well enough for today.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Finally, after a week of rain and a gorgeous sunny day yesterday, SNOW. It started snowing sometime last night and there is a inch of powder now. It is still snowing and hopefully it won't stop anytime soon. As you can see from the pictures, it is a gray day. The sun is trying to peak out over Grace Ridge so maybe by 1 or so it will sunny. I was planning on rowing over to the mail shack today but will put that off until tomorrow.

Well another voice has been added to the chorus of cat displeasure. A squirrel has shown up at the bird feeder. Wondered where they had been. In the summer they hang around the feeder all the time. This one is going nuts right now.

Spike, of course, promptly went out as soon as I came downstairs and opened the window for him. He comes and goes from an open kitchen window which, convienently enough for him, is right by the bird feeders. He has turned into quite the little rain and snow cat. Doesn't seem to mind it at all.

Monday, December 11, 2006